Making Connections #HCTwitterConf19

18 July 2019


What is a Twitter conference?

A Twitter conference is a conference that takes place entirely on Twitter. This means that you can “attend” and present from the comfort of your home, office, library, or local coffee shop. It also allows scholars from all around the world to participate entirely for free. We will aim to accommodate a range of time zones in the schedule.

How can I Participate In the Humanities Commons Twitter Conference?

Presenters only need one thing to be a part of our conference: a Twitter handle! If you don’t already have one, you can create one. If you don’t want to present but do want to attend the conference, all you’ll need to do is follow the #HCTwitterConf19 hashtag the day of the conference. While you don’t need a Twitter handle to read the conference tweets, you will need one if you’d like to respond or ask questions.

What are some basic guidelines for presenters?

  1. Each presentation is assigned a 20-minute window. This allows for a 10-15 minute presentation and a 5-10 minute question and answer session.
  2. Presentations are delivered as a thread of tweets. We recommend that you allocate one minute per tweet to make sure that you don’t go over the 10-15 minute time limit.
  3. You can create a thread of tweets by replying to the last tweet you posted. Check out Twitter’s guidelines on creating a thread here. You may also want to number each of your tweets. We recommend you do this so that it is easy for others to follow along with your presentation.
  4. Try to include our hashtag (#HCTwitterConf19) in each of your presentation’s tweets. This way, it will be easier for others to follow along with the conference.
  5. To make sure that your hashtags are accessible, be sure to capitalize the first letter of each new word. For example, instead of #hctwitterconf19, use #HCTwitterConf19.
  6. You can include images, gifs, and/or screenshots in your tweets, if you like.
  7. We encourage you to make their presentations as accessible as possible. To this end, please consider incorporating alt-text in any photos you include in your presentation. Please follow Twitter’s guidelines for making images accessible. 
  8. Feel free to introduce yourself in the first tweet of your presentation.
  9. You may want to end your presentation with a tweet asking for questions and feedback from your fellow attendees.
  10. You can find examples of excellent Twitter conference presentations by checking out the fantastic presentations from PressED Conference, our conference’s inspiration. You can find tweets from the 2019 conference at #PressEDConf19 or by looking through the presentations they’ve turned into Twitter moments.

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